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  • The Portico Library 57 Mosley Street Manchester, England, M2 3HY United Kingdom (map)

£6 (plus fee if book online) or pay as you can by donation. Book here.

The Peterloo Massacre was a defining moment in British political history – and its most violent event.On the 16th of August 1819 60,000 people gathered at St Peter's Fields in the middle of Manchester for a rally calling for Parliamentary representation and an end to the hated Corn Laws.

The magistrates panicked and sent in the troops who attacked the crowd, killing at least a dozen, probably more, and inflicting injuries on more than 600 people. Ed Glinert, tour guide of Manchester's political history and author of the forthcoming epic history "Manchester: The Biography", relates the dreadful story.

Ed Glinert

* Award-winning Manchester, London, Liverpool tour guide & historian.

* Winner: "Best Manchester Walking City Tour Operator 2023" in the European Travel Awards.

* Author: Penguin's Manchester Compendium, London Compendium. Emons' 111 Places books.

* Qualified to guide by the Institute of Tourist Guiding.
* Websites:,,

* Cruise ships speaker

* Arts Society lecturer

* Journalism: 40 years experience. Co-founder City Life, production Radio Times, launch production editor Mojo, 12 years with Private Eye.

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