Creative Writing workshops
We offer workshops in creative writing; prose and poetry. Please get in touch for details and to discuss your needs:
Workshop details:
Delivered to schools and colleges in Greater Manchester
Duration: 2 hours maximum
Key Stages 2, 3, 4 and 5 (Ages 7 - 18 years)
Up to 30 students in a session
Cost: £200.00 + VAT (20%)
See Videos and Resources pages for further inspiration and writing tips
Special workshops inspired by The Portico Library’s book collection:
Maps and places:
Combining Character and Place - generating story ideas with Martin Griffin
Using examples from the Portico collection, young writers will consider the importance of place in short fiction, and experiment with exciting combinations of characters and locations to see which suggest the best stories.
There will also be advice about pace and plotting.
North-West folklore and legends:
Fairy-tale and Folklore Mash-Up with Marie Basting
Inspired by fairy tales and legends from the Portico collection, children will create their own magical characters and write the opening to a fun fantastical story set in the North.
Marie will leave schools with plotting and editing resources.
Travel and explorers:
Looking at stories through a personal lens with Jack Nicholls
Diving into the books in the Portico written by real-life explorers of far-flung locations with poet and filmmaker Jack, students will discover how to write about people and places in a way that feels fresh and personal and begin to write stories about the North that only they could tell.
Resources will be provided so writers can complete their stories.
GCSE texts:
From the Portico Library shelves with Jack Nicholls
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens , Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Comic Creation:
Learning the skills of telling a story through comic illustration and text with Marc Jackson
Building a compelling story through comic book panels, from basics to the finished page. Drawing skills from beginner to expert - Marc shows you the tricks of the trade.
Praise for the workshops
It was brilliant and I would highly recommend it to all schools. Marie is fabulous!
Tami Wylie, Teacher, Holy Cross Primary School, Oldham
Martin’s workshop was amazing and had fantastic plot ideas
Emily Powell, Librarian, Levenshulme High School
I found Martin’s trip motivational as he told us all about the previous Sadie Massey Awards. He also told us about all the opportunities that come with writing.
Student, Levenshulme High School
After the session, eight have expressed a firm interest in finishing their work for the competition and one brought it in the next day! They all gained lots of confidence that they can take into their GCSEs as well as narrative writing is a key part of the examination.
Paul Blakemore, Deputy Head, Standish High School
I like how we were allowed to come up with our own ideas
Student, The Friars Primary School, Salford
It was really fun! You get to express yourself creatively!
It was good to help with how to write from different perspectives, also Jack was funny and helpful, it was a good session.
Students, Oldham Sixth Form College